Friday, July 29, 2011

Up Before the Early Birds

Good morning! It is currently 6:20 am and I have been up for 3 hours already. I tried to go back to sleep but my Ninja kitten decided it was time for me to get up and play. So I admitted defeat and made a pot of coffee. Ninja played for about 5 minutes and was ready for a nap. So she's sound asleep and here I sit. But I put the time to good use. I got my new Zibbet store set up. I got the banner for my Zibbet store working in the side bar over there --------> But for some reason I still can't get my ArtFire banner to work. I'll keep working on it.

Seriously though, if I don't spend several hours today taking pictures of my other finished pieces, the world is going to think I only have 7 drawings done. I have several paintings ready to go, plus crochet bags, and paper stars. I'll post some pictures here hopefully this afternoon.

I've been reading a lot about SEO and it is confusing as all heck! I consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent person. Even a bit of a nerd. But when I start reading about links and keywords my brain starts to turn to ooze. I mean, I get the concept easily enough. But all the info seems to contradict itself and seems a bit impossible. For instance, I read that duplicate titles are bad. But how many different ways are there to describe my drawings? Then one person says I should be using the highest searched keywords. But someone else said not to use the highest because everyone else is using those same words, so my item could get buried.   I guess the best way to figure it out is to keep changing things up and testing different things. But even then I'm not sure I'll be able to figure out why one listing has many views and another has no views.

My job hunt is progressing slowly. But to be honest, I'm not really trying very hard. My silly ex-job paid me my vacation time and sick time, so I have a couple more weeks before I need to be worried. I did find a possible job that doesn't sound too horrible. lol I should be getting a call back on Monday so I'll keep you updated. The original job I applied for didn't work out. Which is probably good since it was a full time position. The fewer hours, the better as far as I'm concerned. :-)

It's starting to get light outside so I need to go start setting up to take pics of my stuff. Have a great day everyone!

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