Thursday, July 21, 2011

ArtFire Up and Running!

So I got the scanner working on Eric's computer and figured out the max resolution I can use for images. I have 7 pieces listed so far. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it gave me the opportunity to practice with the listing tools and figuring out images. I still need to read through all the help guides so I can understand how SEO works. I think I have good titles, but I also remember something about duplicate listings. I don't know how different they have to be in order to be found by search engines. And how different can I really make them while still getting all the keywords in the titles? It's a tad confusing, lol. And I can't figure out how to get the banner link to work on here. I guess I need to read some more. Have a happy day!  :-)

I can't figure out the banners but I think I can get a link to my studio page to work. Cross your fingers and click:


  1. Am a tree lover from way back. Checked out your studio and LOVE your trees! Am glad you are on ArtFire; just added you to my market :)

  2. Thank you so much for your support! I just sold my first painting today. Trees rule! I think I'm obsessed with trees because I moved from tree country in Ohio to the flatlands of Texas about 8 years ago. Trees and snow are all I think about :-)
