Friday, July 8, 2011

Imminent Hard Disk Failure!

So...the next hurdle in the ongoing set of challenges that is my life. Last week my computer was nice enough to give me a message stating that my hard drive was about to fail. *sigh* So I backed up my hard drive and tried to  revert back to a preset system restore point. Got another message about imminent hard disk failure. So I start searching my apartment for the recovery disk that came with my laptop. Of course I can't find it anywhere. So I use Eric's computer to search online for diagnostic info. I find the directions for resetting back to factory settings. A pain, but well worth it to fix the problem. So I spend 4 hours of my last day off attempting to wipe my hard drive. By 4:30pm I am finally restored, reconfigured, and updated. I restart the computer....and immediately receive the message that my hard drive is about to fail. *ARGH*

The rest of the day is spent moping and being frustrated.

I'm working every day until Sunday. Although I'll be home by about 5pm on Saturday. So I guess I'll spend Saturday evening trying to figure out how the warranty on my laptop works. Hopefully, I can take it somewhere local and not have to send it somewhere.

As I'm trying to be more optimistic and positive, I've been trying to look on the bright side of things. The laptop issue has forced me to be still and just think about things. I've come up with some new ideas for income streams and new project ideas. I also came up with some ideas for articles and blog posts. So all in all, my lack of computer time has not been wasted.

The next step will be to get Eric's computer set up so I can list actions on Sunday. I need to connect my camera and printer to Eric's computer so I can load pictures and scan items. I also need to list some items on Artfire and Etsy. Plus I still need to figure out how to get high resolution images for Redbubble and Zazzle. I'm going to check with Kinkos about high res scans. I've heard they can save high res scans to a disk which might work.

So that's what's happening this week in the land of worker bee turned entrepreneur. Have a happy week everyone.

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