Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What day is it?

I find that being unemployed creates a type of temporal displacement when it comes to remembering what day of the week it is. I have absolutely no need to know what day it is. Well, I need to know when it's Sunday because that's the day my ebay auctions end. But other than that...I really don't have an overwhelming desire to know what day it is. And you know what? It feels great! I haven't worn my watch for a week. I have no place to be. No conference calls, schedules to write, feedback to deliver....this is the best!

Of course, there's the bit of irony that greeted me when I went to check my auctions this morning. I started a few new accounts in order to keep things like art and random items separate. Even though I followed all the rules and connected them to my primary account, they have limited my selling because I have multiple accounts. Ebay even has a page on their site talking about how having multiple accounts can be beneficial. Yet they seem to punish you for having them. Weird. So I thought ok, no big deal, I'll just cancel the new accounts and be done with it. It's not like I sell that much on my primary account anyway. Except it takes 180 days to cancel an account. LOL. I know they do that in order to prevent fraud. But it seems like there should be an easier way to deal with these things.

I had also decided to start selling my art seriously on Artfire. Full blown listing and promoting. I chose ArtFire because you don't pay anything to list with a basic account. Well this morning I read on the site that they are doing away with the basic accounts for selling. August 16th all basic accounts will be buying only accounts. So I'm going to spend the next month listing everything and setting up as much as possible. Then on the 15th I can upgrade to pro and receive a 30 day free trial. This will give me almost 2 free months to get started. At that point if my business can't afford 10 dollars a month, I think I'm in big trouble. At the very least my ebay sales should cover the 10 dollars until my ArtFire sales pick up.

Ok folks, I'm off to the races. I'm filling out lots of online applications today. I'm applying for all kinds of jobs and letting the Universe decide which one is the right one. I really wanted my last job and that didn't turn out so well. As my friend Laura always says, you can't be dependent on the outcome. In other words, let go and trust the Universe to show you the way.

Happy whatever day it is!

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