Tuesday, August 2, 2011

WOOT! I sold my first painting on Artfire!

I can't tell you how happy this makes me. It really isn't about the money. For me, it's about another person finding value in my art. I am blissfully happy right now. :-)

What I need everyone who wishes they could do this....quit their job....sell their art....to know is...you can! Trust me when I say that I know how hard it is to have confidence in your art. You think to yourself, "What if I'm just a hack? Maybe I have no actual talent. What if people just point and laugh?" I have had all these self defeating thoughts and more. But you seriously need to let it go and think about how much creating art makes you happy. If making it makes you that happy, there are bound to be people out there that are happy looking at your art. And there are people who want to take that happy feeling and have it in their home.

There is no "right time"! There is only today! You matter! Your art matters! I'm not saying you should all go out and quit your jobs. But somehow you need to make the time to work on your art. Only you can make it happen. I believe in you. Now you only have to believe in yourself.

Be The Artist!

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