Saturday, June 11, 2011

Why can't things be easy?

So last night Eric found a site where I could upload my art and people could buy prints and t-shirts, greeting cards, etc. So I opened an account and decided I would get up early so I could start uploading pics before going off to my silly job. So here I sit, coffee by my side, all ready to get serious about this and guess would appear that the image size required by ebay is smaller than the image size required to create prints and other products from my art. So what does this mean? I have to re-scan every single piece. *sigh* Why couldn't it just be easy? lol

Oh well, I guess I know what I'm doing when I get home from my silly job tonight. And I'm off tomorrow, so I should have time to get them all scanned. Of course it would be nice to actually have time to work on some art. :-) But enough whining for today. Once I get everything scanned and uploaded it should be pretty cool. And artists get discounts on their own art so I think I'm going to order some greeting cards of my art to send to friends and family. Should be cool and a good way to promote my art.

I guess it's time to go get ready for work. As soon as I get everything scanned and uploaded I'll post a link and let you know how it went. Have a happy day!  :-)

I'm adding this on Sunday 6/12/11. I didn't want to start another whiny post, lol, but I'm still having problems with images. I put the finishing touches on 2 paintings this morning, got all my stuff organized, and got ready to start scanning my images. Guess what...scanner isn't working. Apparently when color ink is low, scanner doesn't work. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but you know they have to program the printer to do that, right? There is no legitimate reason to not scan if the printer is out of ink. Even if I was trying to scan so I could immediately print, why wouldn't it show the error message at the printing stage? Argh! Eric has the car today so it's not like I can run out and grab some ink. And my next day off is Friday. These are the types of situations that occur when trying to work from home. I guess the lesson here is to stock up on office supplies the next time I get a coupon or there's a good sale. Instead of scanning I'll go try to take some decent pictures of my paintings. Happy Sunday, everyone! And GO MAVS!!!! :-)

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