Sunday, June 5, 2011

First Day Jitters

Hello!  As you may have guessed by the name of this blog, my name is Michelle and I'm an artist. I attempted to start a blog a year or so ago, but wasn't disciplined enough to make it stick. But the fact is I need to do this. My best friend Joe and his wife Kimsha have started living the dream. They are supporting themselves solely through their art. And if I ever want to live my dream, I have to do what it takes to make it happen. So here I am.  :-)

This blog will hopefully document my journey to leave my job and become the artist and entrepreneur I have always dreamed of being. I am willing to have less money, buy fewer things, make a dollar stretch until it snaps, and work every minute of every day. But first,maybe I should tell you a little more about myself.

As I said before, my name is Michelle, and I'm 42. I'm currently in the second major relationship of my life. My ex husband and I were together for 14 years. At some point it occurred to me that not only did we have nothing in common, we didn't really even like each other. So I packed my computer, clothes, and art supplies in my van and moved half way across the country. Then began my second and current major relationship. Eric and I have been together for 8 years now and I'm happy to report that we still like each other. So far, so good.

When I moved here I quickly realized that I would have to get a job. Not knowing what else to do, I ended up in retail. Over the years I've been promoted and gone into specialty retail management. While I won't say where I work, I will say it provides me with a lot of discounts on art supplies.  :-) I actually took this job so that I could work in an environment of art and artists. Unfortunately, I work so many hours and my job is so silly, I hardly have any free time to work on my art. So, that is the journey you and I will be taking through this blog. How does a 42 year old woman reinvent herself as an artist and entrepreneur? The first step has been taken; starting this blog. I hope you keep walking with me. Thanks for reading!  :-)

PS: Had to edit to change font. Georgia is awful on this layout, lol.

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